Your pet and water cremation

When you invest in one of our machines, you’ll be asked many questions by your own pet-owning clients. Including these:

What will happen to my pet’s remains?

Your pet’s remains will be respectfully treated. Soft tissue becomes liquid, which can be returned to land or waterways, and bones become ash to be returned to you - all in a way that has next to zero impact on the environment.

What kind of animals?

Any animals up to 80 kg.

Does the process use acid?

Not in the water cremation itself. In fact it’s the opposite, alkali – usually potassium hydroxide – is added to the water to help break down soft tissue. Some acid is used after the process, to neutralise the liquid and make it safe for returning to the water cycle.

Implants? / Microchips?

Yes, implants and microchips can go through the process and be removed afterwards, and they still work!

How long does it take?

It varies depending on the size of the remains, but a useful guide is 8 to 10 hours.

What happens to the liquid waste?

There are two possibilities. It can be spread on land as fertilizer, or it can go out in waste-water. In both cases it’s environmentally safe, but be aware that some local councils may not yet have adapted to allowing it into the waste-water system.